Tuesday, October 7, 2008

summary of "What is a dream?"


In the article “What is a dream?” the author states that people though dreams are necessary and important to people’s feeling and physical. Until the twentieth century, people believed that God gave messages to us through dreams. First, The Sunday Times mentioned Freud’s wish-fulfillment theory. In his book, he wrote people could show imaging and anxiety, which would do not allow in social of real life. Second, the Sunday Times mentioned Jung’s compensation theory. He thought people tried to learn from their dreams. And He said dreams show lack of ordinary life. Finally, the Sunday Times mentioned that dreams are not just a step of sleep. And a dream is related with a person’s waking hours, thought, and behavior. Dreaming is needed to develop in humans. And the Sunday Times mentioned that men and women’s dreams are different. In conclusion, the Sunday Times mentioned it is difficult to get meaning of dreams but people should not confuse their dreams.

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Making Them Work for Us

In the article "Dreams: Making them work for us," the author, that we can change bad dreams to good dreams and avoid fears come from bad dreams. Milton Kramer discovered dreams can have harmful or beneficial effect, and said we can change our bad dreams. According to Dr. Cartwright, there are four steps to change our dreams. We can change bad dreams to good dreams. Also, you can change your feeling. It helps people's life. We can stop a nightmare dream. It helps our health and feelings.